Our wide selection of Jordan retro 4 sneaker tees will satisfy all your matching needs. The Do the right thing Jordan 4's are laced in an Italian color scheme representing Sal's Pizzeria, an iconic landmark in Spike Lee's film.
Jordan retro 4 Sneaker Tees | Do the Right thing Jordan 4
Shop our large selection of Air Jordan retro sneaker tees to find the perfect Do the right thing Jordan retro 4 Sneaker Tees to match. This tee sports a replica of Sal's Famous Pizzeria, which was the location of a major scene in the movie regarding racial tensions and injustice.
Match your Jordan Retro 4 sneakers with our Do the right thing sneaker tees. The Fight the power theme goes along with the iconic movie and its series of events. The Italian colors represent Sal's Pizzeria, the location where a critical event took place in the movie.
Jordan retro 4 Sneaker Tees | Do the right thing Sneaker Tees
Match your Jordan Retro 4 sneakers with our Do the right thing sneaker tees. The Fight the power theme goes along with the iconic movie and its series of events. The Italian colors represent Sal's Pizzeria, the location where a critical event took place in the movie.
Match your Jordan retro 4 Do the right thing sneaker with this Jordan Retro 4 Sneaker tees. Italian colors representing Sal's Pizzeria in the iconic movie are the focus colors on this Air Jordan Retro 4 canvas.
A wide selection of sneaker tees to match air Jordan sneakers includes this simple Jordan 4 sneaker tee to match. The color way of red, black and white can be matched with a wide selection of Air Jordan Bulls colors.
Match any Red, Black and white Air Jordan with this sneaker tees to match Air Jordan sneakers. Check out our sneaker tees collection to match any of your favorite Jordans.
The Greatest Michaels highlighted into one is what makes this classic shirt a must have. Put inside a Jordan Rookie card border, this Mike Tee pays tribute to three of the greatest.
Air Jordan 4's are one of the many classics in the sneaker game. The raptor color way is pretty sought after as well. Shop our selection of Air Jordan 4 Raptors tees for a perfect match. 1984 was the beginning of it all for the Jordan culture. This 84 til infinity shirt explains the never ending cult like Jordan following. The retro box shown is what the first Air Jordan was sold in.
Air Jordan 4's are one of the many classics in the sneaker game. The raptor color way is pretty sought after as well. Shop our selection of Air Jordan 4 Raptors tees for a perfect match. 1984 was the beginning of it all for the Jordan culture. This 84 til infinity shirt explains the never ending cult like Jordan following. The retro box shown is what the first Air Jordan was sold in.
Sneaker Tees by Bird Club | If your grabbing a pair of Air Jordan Raptor 4s next month, look no further, we have the outfit for you. With the perfect raptors color way to match, this design is like no other. Sport a young Michael flaunting his black Ferrari, this clean print will set you apart from the rest.
SHop our Retro Cement 4 shirt to match a nostalgic classic. February 1st marks the day for the release of the highly anticipated Air Jordan 4 “cement” shoe. The all-white and heather grey accents with splatters of black make this sneaker an all-time classic in Jordan’s shoe history. This sneaker appeared in Spike Lee’s popular movie “Do the right thing” which featured the Air Jordan show in a very unforgettable way. The feature of the shoe got more recognition than some of the actors in the film itself, giving this sneaker even more popularity. If you are looking for a shirt to match your Cement 4’s look no further and click Air Jordan 4 cement shirt to purchase yours. This Retro Cement 4 shirt by Bird Club brings the colors and the movie to life. This large print of the character Bugging out screaming his lungs out after his brand new jays have stepped on features a mock-up of the Nike Just Do it logo switched to say Don’t Do It instead. Grab this shirt before they run out as they always do.